Giving Center

Thornapple Kellogg Area

Adam Dipp Memorial Scholarship – TAEF

Graduating senior of Thornapple Kellogg Schools or an approved Michigan homeschooled senior. Student must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Student must be planning to pursue a 2 or 4 year degree in Computer Science or Construction Management. Student must demonstrate financial need. Student must provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Student must demonstrate community involvement through non-academic school…
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Adele and Arnold Parker Family Scholarship – TAEF

Student must be a graduate or graduating senior of Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Student must demonstrate financial need. Letter of recommendation from a teacher required. Community/School/ Work involvement and essay will be considered.
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Alecia Lorraine Holst Scholarship – TAEF

Must reside within the Thornapple Kellogg School District. For graduating seniors or approved Michigan home school seniors. Minimum of a 2.5(GPA) required. Must be pursuing a degree in the medical/allied health field; if no qualified medical/allied health major applies a 4-H participant will be considered. Financial Need Required. Students must submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher and one…
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Ball Family Scholarship Fund

Qualified students must be a graduating senior from TK Schools pursuing a degree in the field of science, math, engineering and/or technology. Students will be selected based on academic achievement and financial aid.
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Barry County Humane Society Compassion and Love for Animals

Must be a graduating high school senior from a Barry County school or a resident living in Barry County. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Financial need is not a requirement, but students must fill out the FAFSA application: Academic achievement is preferred. Must be pursuing a field of study related to animal such…
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Beth Helrigel Wester Memorial Scholarship – TAEF

For graduating seniors or past graduates of Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Minimum 2.5 (GPA) required. Must be pursuing a major or minor in art or music; if no qualified art or music major/minors apply then secretarial or business majors will be considered. Financial need required. Students must submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher. The preferred student will be chosen…
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Brian Appel Trades Scholarship – TAEF

Must be a graduate of or a graduating high school senior from Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Student must be pursuing a degree or certification in the trades. If no qualified candidate for the trades applies, students going into the health care profession are to be considered eligible. Must be attending an accredited post-secondary school, vocational/technical institute or university. Financial need is…
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Clay Hills Farm Fund

Purpose of this fund is to provide help with the costs related to classroom training, equipment, or tuition assistance to Barry County students/individuals who are pursuing vocational training or a skilled trade. Guidelines for Applications The intent of this fund is to supply funding for classroom training, equipment, or tuition assistance, which will benefit students/individuals in Barry County. Who can…
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Coleman Agency MJ Scholarship

Student must be a resident of Barry County pursuing a vocational degree or certification. Student must be accepted to an accredited program though a vocational/technical school, community college, or certification program. Student must demonstrate financial need.
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Dan Dykstra Jr. Memorial Scholarship – TAEF

Student must be a graduating senior of the Thornapple Kellogg Community Area. Student must live in Barry County. Financial need is not required. Student must attend a 2 year technical/vocational/community college.
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Donald and Catherine Williamson Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship – TAEF

Must be a graduating senior from Thornapple Kellogg High School. High school GPA must be 3.0 or higher. Student must be pursuing a degree for Visual Arts, Performing Arts or Communication. Student must be in good standing (i.e. Dependable, Honorable, Reliable and Pleasant).
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Dr. Wayne & Marie Finkbeiner Scholarship – TAEF

Must be a graduating senior from Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Minimum of a 2.5(GPA) required. Must be pursuing a 2 or 4 year degree any field of medicine. Financial need required. Student must submit a letter of teacher recommendation. The preferred student will be chosen on the following considerations: community/school/work involvement and essay content.
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Emil Tyden Founders Scholarship

Student must be a graduate of a Barry County High School. Student must be enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university. Student must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA. Student must be planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Engineering/product Development. Student must express a desire to live and work in the Hastings, MI area upon graduation. Student must provide…
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Eugene and Edna Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship – TAEF

Must be a graduating senior of Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Student must be planning to pursue a 2-year degree and be accepted to an accredited college or university. Must have a minimum 2.0 GPA and a maximum of 3.0. Student must provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Will be evaluated on essay content.
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General Federation of Women’s Club – Gun Lake Area Scholarship for Thornapple Kellogg

Must be a graduating high school senior from Thornapple Kellogg. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Applicants will be evaluated on their ability to communicate through their written responses to the questions included in the application. Leadership experience is required. Community/volunteer experience is required. Financial need is not a requirement.
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General Federation of Women’s Club – Gun Lake Area Skilled Trade Scholarships

Must be a graduating high school senior from Wayland, Martin, Thornapple Kellogg, or Delton Kellogg. Four scholarships will be awarded (one to each school). Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Qualified applicant must be pursuing a skilled trades degree or certification. Applicant’s high school GPA should be between 2.0 and 3.5. Financial need is not
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Gordon and Carolyn Worth Scholarship

Must be a high school graduating senior residing in Barry County. Attends a Barry County High School or is Home School. Participates or participated in the Barry County 4H Program. Academic achievement and financial need will be considered. Preference given to students who plan to attend a Michigan based school.
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Jane Morris Memorial

Student must be a graduating senior of a Barry County high school. Student must demonstrate academic achievement and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school. Financial need is not a requirement. Student must demonstrate community involvement through non-academic school activities, volunteer work, or work experience. Student must be involved in 4H through the Barry…
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Lorraine Dahlgren Scholarship

Must be a graduating high school senior from Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Must be from the first generation of college/post-secondary school bound student in the family. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Financial need is not a requirement, but students must fill out the FAFSA application: Applicants will be evaluated on their essays. Leadership experience…
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Lydia Cole Memorial Scholarship

Student must be a graduating senior from Delton Kellogg High School, Thornapple Kellogg High School and/or Hastings High School. Student must have participated on either the High School Swim Team or Tennis Team. Student must be accepted at an accredited college or university. Student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours. Strong consideration will be given to…
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Southside Pediatrics Scholarship

Must be a Barry County graduate or a graduating senior in the current academic year. Student plans to pursue a career dedicated to improving the lives of children. Some examples are: Teacher, Counselor, pediatric PT, OT or Speech, youth minister, para-professional, genetic counseling or child life specialist. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Student will…
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TAC – Ethel Denton Groos Scholarship

Student must be a Barry County resident. Student must be planning to pursue a 4 year degree in a Fine Arts program. Student must demonstrate community involvement through non-academic school activities, volunteer work, or work experience. Student will be evaluated on essay content.
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Tad Thatcher Scholarship

Student must be a graduating senior of Thornapple Kellogg Schools. Student must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Student must be planning to pursue a 2 or 4 year degree in any field of medicine. If NO qualified student pursuing a degree in a medical field applies, applicants pursuing a degree in an area of Biology will be considered. Student must…
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TAEF – Gerald & Ceta Williams Scholarship

Graduate or graduating senior from Thornapple Kellogg. Must be planning to pursue a 2 or 4-year degree in business. The preferred student will be chosen based on the following considerations: demonstrated desire to complete a business degree, citizenship, participation in non-academic school activities, community involvement, work experience, and answers to the application and essay content.
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TAEF – Jody Helrigel Pratt Educational Scholarship

Must be a graduate of or a graduating high school senior from Thornapple Kellogg schools. Must be a Barry County Resident. Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school or vocational/technical institute. Financial need is a consideration, so students must fill out the FAFSA application: Must be pursuing a degree in the Field of Education. Higher consideration will be…
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