Giving Center

Our Funds

Funds / Basic Needs / Affordable Housing Fund

Affordable Housing Fund

Attainable and Desirable Housing for All

Safe, attainable, and affordable housing is a key pillar to a healthy, vibrant community. A stable housing inventory is critical to its economic well-being. When housing expenses are more than 30% of a family’s income, it impacts their ability to afford basic needs. Barry County rent expense as a share of average household income ranks near the top third in Michigan; that means almost 70% of other Michigan counties have more affordable housing compared to our community. 

The desire to attract and retain younger families, couples, and give options to an increasing population of retirees, creates additional need for more diverse housing. As senior citizens begin to retire in greater numbers, many want to consider more economical and efficient living spaces, such as an apartment in a walkable location. This migration frees up single-family homes as those needs increase in our community. 

A shining example of the future of the focus on housing is the Village Flats in Nashville. By bridging resources and fostering collaboration, an old, empty school is on target to break ground in early 2023, and will soon provide 20 beautiful, affordable apartments.

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Single Gift

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Recurring Gift

You can give a Recurring monthly donation by choosing the “Monthly Donation” option, and then selecting an amount.

For monthly donations you may select a predefined amount, or enter your own.

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Mail in your donation or drop it off to our office at:

Barry Community Foundation
231 S. Broadway St.
Hastings, MI 49058

Please make check payable to Barry Community Foundation and include the name of the fund to which you are donating in the check’s memo line.