Affordable Housing Fund
Attainable and Desirable Housing for All Safe, attainable, and affordable housing is a key pillar to a healthy, vibrant community. A stable housing inventory is critical to its economic well-being. When housing expenses are more than 30% of a family's income, it impacts their ability to afford basic needs. Barry County rent expense as a share of average household income…
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Barry County Revolving Loan Fund (Invest Barry)
The fund shall be used to support the economic vitality of Barry County through mission related investment vehicles. The Program, consistent with the Foundation’s mission of improving lives by bridging resources and fostering collaboration, keeps money made in Barry County invested in Barry County. The Foundation collects gifts of all sizes from a wide range of individuals and organizations, pooling…
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Community Heart & Soul
Leading a Proven Process Annie Halle is a certified coach in the Foundation's newest program, Community Heart & Soul, designed to engage all residents to create a plan for the future. By helping people shape the future of their communities, they actively seek the collective wisdom of all residents, to improve local decision-making, create a shared sense of belonging, and ultimately strengthen…
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